RELAX - Alternatives to Anger for Parents and Caregivers

Woman with young boy
March 3, 2025, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm CST

Everyone gets angry, including young children. RELAX for parents and caregivers explores the anger and strong emotions experienced by infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. This workshop will help participants learn about the developmental stages in children's self-control and how parents and caregivers can assist children at each stage, learn about cortisol and our body's reaction to stress, identify children's books that can assist children with self-control, and explore activities that can help with self-control.

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Courtney Aldrich Portrait.
Courtney Aldrich
Nebraska Core Competencies: 
Competencies for Relationships and Social-Emotional Guidance
Child Development Subject Area: 
Positive ways to support children’s social and emotional development
1 hour
Sponsored by Lakeshore/Nebraska Early Learning Connection
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