Mind Full or Mindful - Who are You?

brain surrounded by stressors

Is your mind full of worries and thoughts that cause you stress?

Learn the benefits of mindfulness and how mindfulness can positively impact your well-being and support you being more present in the moment.

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Holly Hatton-Bowers Portrait.
Holly Hatton-BowersAssistant Professor and Early Childhood Extension Specialist, UNL
Lisa Poppe Portrait.
Lisa PoppeExtension Educator, UNL
LaDonna Werth Portrait.
LaDonna WerthExtension Educator, UNL
Nebraska Core Competencies: 
Planning Learning Experiences and Curriculum Competencies
Child Development Subject Area: 
Positive ways to support children’s social and emotional development
2 Service Credit Hours in Nebraska, South Dakota, and Georgia
Nebraska Extension Logo. South Dakota State University Extension Logo. Iowa Child Care Resource and Referral Logo. K-State State Research and Extension Logo. Georgia Extension Logo. Arizona Extension Logo. Michigan Extension Logo. Wisconsin Extension Logo. Missouri Extension Logo. Texas Extension Logo.